Do you struggle with any of theses? 😩

If you said yes to any of the statements, then this course is definitely what you need!

  • Are your periods a monthly nightmare? Are debilitating cramps making you feel like you're on the verge of passing out?

  • Ever find yourself in a rough spot during that time of the month? I'm talking about those moments when nausea hits, headaches strike hard, and even the thought of eating becomes a struggle. Sound familiar?

  • Feeling like your period pain is taking over your life, making you miss out on work, school, and all those important moments?

  • Are you finding yourself relying on painkillers just to make it through your period?

  • Are your periods getting in the way of you fully enjoying life?

  • Does it seem like painful periods are just part of your regular routine?

  • Ever feel like your emotions are on a rollercoaster ride, especially right before your period? It's like you're a different person, right?

  • Ever feel like your period pain just keeps cranking up, leaving you at a loss for what to do next?

Ready to take back control of your period?

Get started now!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Better Periods Naturally Course!

    2. Welcome - Menstrual Cycle 101

    3. Action Steps

    1. What does a Normal Period Look Like?

    2. Action Steps

    1. Common Period Issues

    2. Action Steps

    1. How to Track your Cycle

    2. Action Steps

    3. How to Track your Period

    1. Food Supporting Hormone Balance

    2. Action Steps

    3. Anti-inflammatory Foods

    4. Beetroot Juice

    5. Carrot-Orange Juice

    6. Green Detox Juice

    7. Smoothie Recipes

    8. Turmeric-Ginger Tea

    9. Molasses Golden Milk Recipe

    10. Using Foods Against Menstrual Pain Fact Sheet

    11. Soup Recipes

    12. Menu Guidelines

    13. Misty Mountain Cookbook

    14. Magnesium Rich Foods

    1. Environmental Toxins

    2. Action Steps

    3. Dirty Dozen - Clean 15

    4. Harmful Chemicals

About this course

  • $127.00

What's Included?

Here are some juicy bonuses!

  • ➩ FREE Personalized Hormone Balancing Plan 🌟 Limited Time

    $75 value

    This invaluable addition to our hormone balance online course is tailored specifically to your unique needs and challenges, providing actionable steps and expert guidance to help you achieve optimal hormonal balance.

  • ➩ Unlimited Email Support & Guidance

    $375 value

    Think of me as your go-to hormone guru, available right in your inbox. Shoot me any questions or concerns you have, and I'll be here to provide answers and support every step of the way. Plus, I'll be checking in regularly to make sure you're making progress and feeling your best. Let's tackle this together!.

  • ➩ Empowering Video Modules for Hormonal Balance

    $600 value

    These videos are like having a trusted friend by your side, showing you simple, effective ways to naturally support your hormones. With each session, you'll discover easy-to-follow steps that make putting what you learn into practice a breeze. Let's make balancing your hormones a piece of cake!

  • ➩ Master Your Cycle: Your Essential Supplement Guide

    $49 value

    Let's get real about period problems! You will dive into the world of supplements and find out which ones are your new BFFs for tackling cramps, migraines, mood swings, and more. Say goodbye to period drama and hello to feeling like yourself again!

  • ➩ Delicious Recipes, Meal Guidelines, Hydrotherapy for Pain Relief and Much More!

    $250 value

    Discover the Power of Food for Hormone Balance! Gain access to 15+ downloadable PDFs to supercharge your journey to better periods.

This course is for you if you have ⬇️

  • PMS

  • Heavy periods

  • Irregular cycles

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids

It's time to banish your period problems!

Hello Beautiful 😄

My name is Debbrah and I'm looking forward to help you have your best period ever!!!

Let me introduce myself! I'm a mom of a precious little boy, a wife, a Christian, I love going oversees and do mission work and meet people from all walks of life! I am also a Period/Hormone Coach! Women's health is a passion for me because there are WAY TOO MANY ladies who suffer from hormonal imbalances that really puts a tole on quality life (mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally). I totally understand what you are going through every single month. The pain, the suffering, the distress, the stress and anxiety associated with period issues. I used to be pretty sick faithfully every month. I would vomit everything (even water) for 2 days every single month. Moving, talking, getting up to pee would make me throw up (even though I had nothing left in my stomach to regurgitate!). My migraines were the worse. I couldn't stand the light and noise so I stayed locked up in my room for 2 days EVERY SINGLE MONTH for YEARS. I often miss work, family events, going out with friends and opportunities. Some of you might recognize yourself in my testimony. I'm happy to tell you that I no longer deal with these issues anymore! Changing my lifestyle and understanding the menstrual cycle made a HUGE impact on my period health! If I can do it then surely you can too! No one needs to be bound for years suffering every like that. Period pain is not normal! So in my course, I teach you exactly what to do to have better periods AND I support you along the way with any questions you may have. I'll be your instructor not only on the videos but we'll chat through email as well. What are you waiting for? Join now!!!
Hello Beautiful!


“In less than a month, I had some light insecure feelings for 2 days but not so bad as I use to have! I also didn't have mood swings. I got my period on a Saturday and I only had light cramps, I didn't feel tired or nauseous! ”


“So I was having a bloated stomach and period pain something serious. I had purchased some body oil as my carrier oil with pure ginger essential oil and I rubbed it on my stomach. I was SHOCKED to have an instant relief to my bloating, I could not believe it. I'm a believer now. My stomach and cramps lessened and deflated. Thank you sooooooo much. It's changing lives, for sure.”


“Better skin!!!!!! Girl I haven’t had a major pimple in a long time also my PMS symptoms aren’t overwhelming which has kept me. Try it and see what happens! You be blessed and see results right away. ”


“Debbrah you inspire me! I suffered during my high school years, my entire life of period pain. When I saw your posts on IG, I said I didn't think this could be real to have no pain but I decided to give it a try. During my last period, I DID NOT EVEN TAKE ANY PAIN KILLERS!!! Not even one! And I wasn't bloated! I feel like this is holy lol. ”

